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What to expect during a breathwork session:

Many people ask what will happen during one of my breathwork sessions. It’s fascinating because the experience will be different for everyone and also sensations will vary for each individual every time they do a session.

You’ll start by lying down on your back, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, as you’re guided through a short meditation. I suggest to wear an eye mask to help tune into your inner self and have a blanket nearby.

You’ll then be prompted to begin the active breathing to a curated musical playlist. During this time, you’re really oxygenating your blood, and may feel physical changes in your body such as: temperature fluctuations, dizziness, eye fluttering, dry throat, twitching, shaking, and tingling.

Crying and laughing hysterically are quite common since trauma and energy is being released from your body and auric field. Once these emotions are unleashed, you may find yourself receiving downloads and answers to questions you’ve been pondering.

The most important thing to remember is don’t hold back. If you need to cry, move your body, kick your legs, then do it! Let it all go! If you’d like to sign up for my weekly newsletter and learn about my upcoming events, please fill out the form on my website. You may also schedule a virtual or live session with me.

See you soon!


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